narcolepsy- valuable insights into various states of double consciousness

I have attempted to summarize the key aspects of narcolepsy, as this information may offer valuable insights into various states of double consciousness When a dream bursts into reality: what can be learned from this double consciousness state? Narcolepsy is a disease characterized by unexpected bursts of sleep in the middle of the day and…

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dreams in a Patient with Bilateral Lesions of the Amygdala

In the article “Neuropsychoanalytic Findings in a Patient with Bilateral Lesions of the Amygdala” by Gerald Wiest & Elisabeth Brainin, ( Neuropsychoanalysis An Interdisciplinary Journal for Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences Volume 12, 2010) – dreaming is discussed in the context of a patient with selective bilateral lesions of the amygdala undergoing psychoanalytic therapy.The patient’s dreaming…

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cessation of dreaming

Mark Solms, in his book “The Neuropsychology of Dreams,”discusses the syndromes of cessation of dreaming, particularly focusing on Charcot-Wilbrand Syndrome (CWS).He differentiates between the frontal versus posterior brain lesions, with a detailed analysis of CWS. This neurological condition often results from damage to brain areas like the occipital cortex and medial temporal lobe, is typically…

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