Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that manifests at the boundaries of wakefulness and sleep / Dr. Raz Even

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that manifests at the boundaries of wakefulness and sleep, characterized by a temporary inability to move or speak while transitioning into or out of sleep. This state is marked by the individual’s consciousness of their surroundings paired with a form of paralysis akin to the muscle atonia typically experienced during…

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Art Theory: Lucid Dreaming as a Creative Canvas

From an art theory perspective, lucid dreaming can be seen as a form of ultimate creative expression, where the dreamer, aware they are dreaming, becomes both artist and audience to the unfolding narrative of their dream. This aligns with the concept of the “artist’s mind” as a space of limitless potential, where imagination is unbounded…

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I once experienced a lucid dream where I was walking with a friend, D., in an open field. Throughout the dream, I was acutely aware of its nature as a dream, yet everything appeared vividly real. D.’s image was indistinguishable from her real-life appearance, and the sensation was akin to reality, despite my conscious awareness…

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